Wednesday, July 11, 2007

E-mail sent to Illinois Firefighters Association -


To Whom It May Concern,

After watching some of the difficulties with communications that various First Responder organizations, including Fire Departments, faced during 9-11 and hurricane Katrina, I came up with the concept outlined at . I am a telecommunications technician with over 14 years experience, but I need help in getting this concept off the ground. I'm not looking for financial help just yet, I'm looking for intellectual assistance, people-power, so to speak. The concept is called FRRIPnet, or First Responder Radio IP Network.

Please look over the website linked above to get an idea of the concept, and forward this message to anyone you feel might be able to contribute to this project in time or ideas and experience.

A brief description:

What is the FRRIP net Project?

FRRIP stands for First Responder Radio IP, and FRRIPnet would be a network composed of hand-held communications units that also acted as network traffic routers. In other words, a FRRIPnet handset would use native VoIP technology, and the handsets would BE the network.

FRRIPnet handsets would also be able to utilize any available WiFi access point or cellular tower connection to relay traffic.

Priority would be given to FRRIPnet over all other traffic.

Further details on this concept and some of the functionality it could support are available at the FRRIPnet blog linked above.


Daniel Stafford
Plainfield, IL

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