Saturday, November 22, 2008

Submitted this project idea to ...

... I've posted this idea, blog site, and description to President-Elect Barack Obama's web site, .

One of the coolest things about our new "Fearless Leader" (I'm thinking a whole new spin on that term - a leader that governs based on hope instead of fear. Bless him when he does, remind him when he doesn't.) is that he has a wide-open "Suggestion Box" on almost every page of his web site.
There are SO many people with great ideas out there that could really help our country and our world, and this fact really gives me some hope that our new Leader or his Proxies will actually listen to the American People and pick out the best ideas for implementation.

If anything comes of it, I'll be sure to post it here.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

goo blog..
visit me in